Posted 30 June 2017
The costs of law school put a major financial burden on Osgoode students. To settle a grievance against the Osgoode Administration for a lack of notice and meaningful consultation with OHFA, the Association proposed and the Employer agreed to contribute $50,000 to a new bursary that will be disbursed annually by the Administration to support Osgoode students in financial need.
For information, click here.
Posted 28 December 2016
OHFA bargains on behalf of Osgoode faculty with our employer, York University. We obtained our first formal collective agreement with York University in 2012 and our second collective agreement, after 17 months of bargaining, in 2016.
Our most-recent negotiating mandate, approved by members in 2015, emphasized these priorities:
In bargaining and otherwise, OHFA is deeply committed to protecting Osgoode as an academic institution. We think that this objective serves our members but also students, the legal community, and the public.